Back-to-back LCO CHAMPIONS!

“This is the year of Ground Zero.”

They were the words uttered by LCO caster skimmy as Ground Zero League of Legends stormed home to collect the back-to-back championship title for LCO Split 2, 2024.

We started off shaky in this nail-biting grand final series, dropping the first map to Team Bliss. After taking a moment to regroup, we returned with force, once again showing why we’re the saviours of Oceania. We took the win in game four with an ace, in a case of deja vu of Split 1.

This win marks the second League of Legends championship for Ground Zero Gaming and setting us up for a dominant showing at the upcoming Pacific Championship Series in Taiwan.

The unbeatable Leemas was named as most valuable player for the series and entire split, playing a crucial role in securing the win for Ground Zero.

Watch the final moments of the game below.

Read more about our Split 1 2024 championship win here.


A message from our CEO


We’re going courtside at Westfield Carousel